Stihl MS462C Professional Chainsaw With The M Tronic Starting System
This Stihl MS462C-M Chainsaw is Brand New, It has Zero Hours on it and again BECAUSE OF ALL THE HURICANES this Chainsaw has become very hard to get. IF YOUR IN A HERACANE AREA TO ME THIS WOULD BE THE BEST SAW TO HAVE AROUND BECAUSE THIS WOULD BE A MUL-TI -TACK CHAINSAW FOR ALL AROUND USE. ROLL A MATIC ES LIGHT REPLACEABLE TIP Bar. And a NEW 3/8 Full Chisel Chain, adjusting tools, Stihl Oil and the Owners Manual AND A BAR GUARD. Basically it will consist of everything that you see in the pictures.
Please view the pictures for full details about the saw. I feel that the pictures will pretty much show you the condition of the Chainsaw. What you see in the pictures is how this Chainsaw will come to you.